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Logo Centro Sub Corato APS ETS



The Centro Sub Corato APS ETS , with its numerous projects, actively collaborates with numerous partners in the underwater, archaeological, environmental, scientific and naturalistic fields . Below are a few. By clicking on the logos you can visit their official websites.

Do you want to activate a new partnership with us? Contact us!

Reef Check Italia Onlus
Comune di Corato
Centro Ricerche di Storia ed Arte Conversano

Conversano History and Art Research Center

SIGEA Puglia - Società Italiana di Geologia Ambientale
ABAP - Associazione Biologi Ambientalisti Pugliesi
Parco Nazionale dell'Alta Murgia
Comunità FR.A.TE SUB - Bari
Dive Blu Bari
Turenum - Pro Loco Trani
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